
Programming Projects

Mesh Murammat - Hole Filling in 3D Meshes

Gif to display mesh murammat

This project aims to present a cloud based web application for a popular research area in computer graphics, hole filling. Murammat is an urdu word that means "to fix", which was the aim of our project: to fix holes that are present in meshes and make it suitable for use.

The algorithm extends on a previously developed hole filling technique called advanced front mesh, and extends it to include several corner cases that may be present in the meshes.

The front-end of this application was built with Node.js and utilizes WebGL to display the mesh and all other front-end tools such as rotation, scaling etc. The back-end is built with C++ and does the necessary computations for filling the holes.

RayTracer in C++

Built using C++, this Raytracer was made as a part of my final project for the course Computer Graphics during my undergraduate degree.

The code implements BVH as an acceleration structure and using a large number of spheres we drew comparisons for the rendering times for images with and without using BVH.

Our raytraced renders incorporated several features such as BRDF's, an acceleration structure, camera perspectives, point lights, ambient lights, directional lights, spot lights, and a variation of matte, phong and reflective materials.

Screenshot for Raytracer Project

Web Development Projects

Faisal Khan LLC

Built using WordPress and automated using Zapier to help the sales team get all the required information from potential clients to help connect them to a relevant solution providers.

It also integrates Ghost CMS and Cloudflare for faster loading times, as well as Google Analytics to draw accurate conclusions using Data Analysis about clients and common topics searched to improve on existing content and strategize the future.

Condos Toronto VIP

The client wanted an easy-to use, clean and automated revamp of their website. This website was built using WordPress and automated using Zapier and MailChimp to link potential homeowners to the real-estate agents.

Front-end was built using the Elementor plugin with the best UI/UX practices for easy traversal for potential clients, as well as set up the back-end with sufficient documentation for the business owners to easily update and work on their website as needed.

Game Development Projects

Playable Portfolio

Gif for playable portfolio

Built using Unity, I decided to have my game-dev portfolio in the form of a playable game. This side-scrolling platformer was built using the help of assets from the Unity Asset Story, Pixilart Assets, and Pusheen the cat.

The aim of the game is to find the bed so Cat can have a nap, on their journey the player can choose to collect milk and hydrate Cat, and in turn learn about me and my projects.

Sundae Sunday

Built using Unity, Sundae Sunday is an arcade game where the player must navigate their ice-cream truck whilst shooting ice-creams towards customers that spawn at random intervals during the level.

The aim of the game is to exceed the target number of customers served within a time constraint, while avoiding obstacles such as customers themselves as well as other obstacles introduced in later levels.

The assets in the game are built using Adobe Illustrator. The game also incorporates several Object Oriented Programming concepts such as memory management and inheritance into its development.

Gif for SundaeSunday

Last One

Screenshot of Last One Project

A visual novel, set in the year 2073, that follows the story of an alien crash landing on Earth and stumbles across the last human alive. The game aims to educate people about climate change and the horrific things that happen in our world today.

The game was built in Unity using the Fungus plugin as part of the group project in the Intro to Game Making Course offered by Code Coven.

The game is under development and being built without relying on the fungus plugin, with the flow and narration being programmed myself. Currently, the Fungus version of the game is uploaded on Itch.